Our Mission:
AAUW promotes education and equity for all women and girls, lifelong education and positive societal change.
What We Do- AAUW-Miami Branch projects include:
- Support effective programs for girls at-risk for delinquency or incarceration, keeping girls in school rather than in the juvenile justice system;
- Our branch-initiated “Women Learn More-Earn More” project, using print- and web-based materials encouraging women to go back to school
- “Tech Camp,” AAUW’s cooperative venture with University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School and School of Engineering, introducing middle school girls to marine science and engineering, respectively;
- AAUW’s local, state and national advocacy network on behalf of women and girls;
- Raising funds for AAUW’s Legal Advocacy Fund, the nation’s largest legal fund fighting gender discrimination in higher education;
- Supporting AAUW’s Education Foundation, the world’s largest source of funding for women’s graduate education.
For more information about AAUW, please visit our the AAUW National Website.
If you wince at a parent’s willingness to sacrifice for a son’s higher education but not for a daughter’s;
If your blood pressure rises when a good idea is attributed to a male member of a committee when it was a woman who put forth the original idea;If you become angry when a competent woman is replaced by a man who receives a higher salary;
If you are outraged when Viagra is covered by medical insurance but not birth control medications;If you ever look at a photo of our predominantly male legislature (state or national) and say, “Something is wrong with this picture.”
If you believe that a good education is one of the most valuable gifts we can make to future generations;And if you enjoy the company of strong, intelligent women
and want to continually learn and exchange ideas;Then AAUW is where you belong.
Adapted with permission from Susan Calkins, President, Greater Naples AAUW.